Here’s what’s new…

The 2022 program will have a broader reach to markets outside of the Dallas area. 

A great potential client is interested.  It’s too early to reveal until they’re  all signed, sealed and delivered.

More to come on that.

Our initial plan is for the Dallas Council IAAS to be virtual so we can extend the opportunity to 4A’s members in Oklahoma, the South Texas Council or other regions Participation will continue to open to 4A’s members and nonmembers as well.
But it will be different from our previous virtual IAAS in 2021. New software available from the national headquarters will provide us a more personal, comprehensive and connected environment that before. More Information on that “new twist” will come later in the year.

Talk to your supervisor now about becoming an IAAS Fellow

Registration is not open right now.  But alert us of your desire to be an IAAS fellow. Just send me an email me. We’ll keep a seat will be protected and reserved for you,  and I will let you know later in the year when and where to register.

Being selected is an honor.

Being named an IAAS Fellow is an honor. We’re looking forward to continuing the decades-long tradition of keeping IAAS as one of the nation’s premier professional development investments for the advertising and marketing communications industry. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to reveal plans soon.





PETER J. E. NOBLE          

Director, Institute for Advanced Advertising Studies 
American Association of Advertising Agencies

Professor of Practice and Graduate Program Coordinator
Temerlin Advertising Institute • SMU • 214.361.1234 (Mobile)


Here’s what IAAS can do for your career